

the most sincere photo book about insincerity…probably ever.

say what you mean. Mean what you say.

I saw on Twitter the other day that a woman said English is pretty much three languages in a trench coat.

She wasn’t wrong.

I’m from the Midwest. We say some weird things here. Here in America, especially in the Midwest, our colorful language and expressions are canon and nationally understood, but to outsiders, we say the darnest things. In this photo book, I address the inconsistency between what we say and what we actually mean. 20 expressions that are canon in our American language were created visually in a vibrant world I’ve coined Dreamland.

At times, we don’t say what we mean, nor mean what we say. This lack of sincerity is the main topic of the visual playground I created . These expressions range from odd idioms to strange hyperboles and mistruths meant to keep us in line. This universe tis meant to leave viewers wondering what’s real and what’s fake.